Monday, November 30, 2009

Chem Tech Soft Drinks Juices or The Basic Basics Soups Handbook

Chem Tech Soft Drinks Juices

Author: Ashurst

Soft drinks and fruit juices are produced in almost every country in the world and their availability is remarkable. From the largest cities to some of the remotest villages, soft drinks are available in a variety of flavours and packaging. The market for these products continues to show a remarkable potential for growth. The variety of products and packaging types continues to expand, and among the more significant developments in recent years has been the increase in diet drinks of very high quality, many of which are based on spring or natural mineral water.

This book provides an overview of the chemistry and technology of soft drinks and fruit juices. The original edition has been completely revised and extended, with new chapters on Trends in Beverage Markets, Fruit and Juice Processing, Carbohydrate and Intense Sweeteners, Non-Carbonated Beverages, Carbonated Beverages, and Functional Drinks containing Herbal Extracts. It is directed at graduates in food science, chemistry or microbiology entering production, quality control, new product development or marketing in the beverage industry or in companies supplying ingredients or packaging materials to the beverage industry.

Interesting book: Great Depression and the New Deal or C mo ganar amigos e influir sobre las personas

The Basic Basics Soups Handbook: All You Need to Know to Make Delicious Soups and Broths

Author: Marguerite Patten

Marguerite Patten draws on her years of experience to bring together recipes for one of the great comfort foods - soups. Hot soups are warming in cold weather and cold soups are refreshing in the heat. Soup can also be made from every kind of ingredient.

This guide contains recipes for every occasion and soups from around the world from vichyssoise and minestrone to hot and sour, and covers all the information you need to make soups of perfect flavor and consistency, including stocks which are the secret of many good soups.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Diners or British Toast Racks for Collectors and the History of Toast

Diners: People and Places

Author: Gerd Kittel

From its humble origins in 1872 through its peak in the 1920s and 1930s to its present-day decline, distinguished German photographer Gerd Kittel chronicles the history of the American diner in 68 color images.

Read also Entertaining Made Easy or American Cookbook

British Toast Racks for Collectors and the History of Toast

Author: Margaret Crumpton

This book discusses the history of toast- a peculiarly British way of serving bread- and illustrates over 1,000 ceramic toast racks from the late eighteenth century to the present day.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Cooking Curries or Pleasures of the Table

Cooking Curries

Author: Jane Lawson

Cooking Curries focuses on flavor by categorizing a wide range of curries according to the dominant taste: sweet, aromatic, hot and sour, earthy or rich. From vegetarian hot and sour dishes to earthy lamb curries, and from all corners of the globe, Cooking Curries contains favorite curries and new, inspired twists on the classics. Alongside the recipes, this book also highlights and explores vital curry ingredients, such as curry leaves, turmeric and coconut milk. Special three-way spreads focus on accompaniments to curries, such as chutneys, breads, and rices.

Book review: Visual Basic 6 for Windows for Dummies or Ruby on Rails For Dummies

Pleasures of the Table

Author: Susan Cuthbert

This work provides reflections and quotes about entertaining and sharing. The book is aimed at those moving into a new apartment or house, and anyone who loves home life.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Family Favourites or Book of Tea

Family Favourites: Recipes and Reminiscences From Around the World

Author: Christina Quijano Caballero

Family Favourites is an unusual collection. It guides the reader through a vivid array of culinary experiences from the entire world, from one family to another, enabling us to get an amusing glimpse of their lives, traditions and family experiences.

Book about: Direction de Personnel Publique :Contextes et Stratégies

Book of Tea

Author: Kakuzo Okakura

Written in English by a Japanese scholar in 1906, The Book of Tea is an elegant attempt to explain the philosophy of the Japanese Tea Ceremony, with its Taoist and Zen Buddhist roots, to a Western audience in clear and simple terms.


Kakuzo was a leading figure in Japanese art and culture at the end of the 19th century, and this book, first published in 1906, is a classic treatise explicating the philosophical nuances of tea and the tea ceremony in Japanese culture. This edition contains an introduction by Liza Dalby who was the first American trained as a Geisha in the 1970s, and elegant photos by Daniel Proctor. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Walnut Cookbook or Cocina Rica y Nutritiva para Hipertensos

Walnut Cookbook

Author: Jean Luc Toussaint

Hailed as a healthful addition to modern diets, walnuts have long been a staple of classic French cooking. This charming book, originally published in France, pays homage homage to the simple, fabulous walnut in stylish salads and condiments, as a rustic accompaniment to hearty entrees, in chic desserts and pastries--even as a flavorful liqueur. 192 pp.

New interesting book: Hedgehogs and Foxes or To Change China

Cocina Rica y Nutritiva para Hipertensos: Plan Alimentario y Cuidados Especiales

Author: Concepto

Las buenas dietas se basan principalmente en una saludable alimentacion que responda a todas nuestras necesidades. Es por esta razon que resulta imprescindible que conozcamos las principales caracteristicas y propiedades de los alimentos que consumimos a diario. La serie Cocina seleccionada ha sido pensada para cubrir todas estas condiciones, sobre la base de elaborados planes dietarios que se ajustan a cada caso particular. Cocina rica y nutritiva para hipertensos realiza un exhaustivo recorrido a traves de las opciones que debemos considerar para mejorar nuestra calidad de vida, asi como tambien todas las posibles combinocianes que aportan sober a nuestra mesa.

Table of Contents:
Cocina para hipertensos     5
Hipertension arterial     6
Hipertension primaria y secundaria     9
Causas de la hipertension     12
Formas de medir la presion     14
Diagnostico y tratamiento     16
Efectos de la hipertension en el organismo     18
Como se trata la hipertension     20
Hipertension y alimentacion     24
El problema del sodio     26
Donde encontramos el sodio?     29
Bondades del potasio y el calcio     31
Los efectos del alcohol     34
Los efectos del tabaco     37
Obesidad e hipertension     40
Nutricion para el obeso hipertenso     42
Hipertension y grupos de riesgo     44
Colesterol e hipertension     46
Como manejar el estres     50
Importancia del ejercicio fisico     53
Hipertension y embarazo     56
Hipertension en la Tercera Edad     59
Hipertension y diabetes     61
La dieta DASH     63
La dieta DASH     64
La dieta     66
Como hacer el plan de alimentacion DASH?     69
El lenguaje de las etiquetas     72
Como empezar     73
Una semana en el plan de alimentacion DASH     74
Recetas para la salud del corazon     89
Convierta el plan DASH en buena salud     96
Diccionario de terminologia     97

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Twenty Lessons in Domestic Science or Tea Leaves

Twenty Lessons in Domestic Science

Author: Marian Fisher

Divided into twenty lessons, Marian Cole Fisher's 1916 work provides a home study guide on the characteristics and uses of different food categories. Whether meat, vegetable, cheese or egg, each section teaches the home student how to handle the foods in question and provides recipes. Housekeeping do's and don'ts as well as helpful hints are also included.

Look this: How We Live Our Yoga Pa or How Not to Be My Patient

Tea Leaves

Author: Francis Leggett

Francis H. Leggett & Co. were Importing and Manufacturing Grocers, and their name can still be found somewhere in the food distribution business. Once, though, they were suppliers of tea, and very proud of that. Their object in publishing this and other books was to bring themselves and their goods into closer relation with consumers at a distance from New York; and incidentally, to provide readers with interesting information respecting the food which they eat and drink. This volume contains a wealth of information on tea -- its origins, cultivation, properties, and nature. Bon appétit. . . !